6 tips to make it easy to make new friends

6 tips to make it easy to make new friends

If your social life leaves a lot to be desired, it’s time to think about what you’re doing wrong and try to find some great mates. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Friendships aren’t just for exchanging interesting stories over a cup of coffee. Strong bonds with people are vital to every human being. According to a Harvard University study, lack of friendships increases the risk of premature death by 50% — just as much as if you smoked 15 cigarettes every day.

The secret to friendship is simple: you have to be open to it. Here are six tips to help you make new friendships. For friendship and love, we recommend this app.

1- Be friendly

From the first impression largely depends on whether the person will continue to communicate with you or not. And the most important thing here is your facial expression. Think of the people you see every day at the store, the airport or in line for papers. If the person frowns, scowls, does not smile, you are unlikely to want to exchange a few words with him. He just does not look friendly, although he may well be.

A good-natured smile or just a polite nod of the head lets others know that you are friendly and open to communication.
Another indicator of openness is the ability to listen. Chances are you have something to say, but do not forget that friendship — a reciprocal process, so do not get hung up on yourself and listen with interest to the other person. It is quite possible that this will turn out to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

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2. Do something you like to do.

The best way to make new friends is to meet people with whom you share common interests. If you have a hobby that you usually do alone, consider where you can find like-minded people. Sign up for a sports group, join social media groups, see where people with similar interests gather in your city.

There’s nothing easier than starting a conversation about certain things with someone who likes them too. When you meet someone with similar interests, exchange contacts and stay in touch.

3. Keep a positive attitude.

A positive attitude is one of the most important requirements of friendship. It determines whether or not we will feel a desire to spend time with a person. Consider whether or not people enjoy interacting with you and decide what else to work on.

Simple rules: say thank you, be supportive, ask questions, don’t be secretive, smile.
People don’t like being around negative people all the time. Researchers have found that when you speak well of someone, people tend to attribute those positive qualities to you, too. For example, if you tell a colleague that your boss is friendly and attentive, he is more likely to think that you yourself are friendly and attentive. Conversely, if you complain that your boss is a narcissistic jerk, your colleague may notice some of these unpleasant qualities in you.

4. Don’t expect others to make the first move.

You may feel vulnerable when you walk toward the other person. But it may be that he or she is even more withdrawn and has a hard time making contact with a stranger. So just talk. After all, what’s the worst that could happen to you?

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In a relationship, you have to not only take, but you have to give and help other people. And most of the things we expect from friendship-trust, reliability, honesty-are built on reciprocity. Find out what others lack, help them, and they may see you as a potential friend.

Don’t wait for things to happen by themselves. Be proactive, invite people to visit, offer to go for a walk, and you’ll be surprised how many people will want to join you.

5. Keep in touch.

Relationships depend on how much time you spend together with friends. So think about how you will keep in touch. For example, before you leave the party, tell them you enjoyed it and it would be nice to do it again, and offer to exchange numbers or add each other on social media. The next day you can thank the person for a nice time. Or later invite them to a birthday party. Or somewhere else.

Be consistent. Agree, the friendship is unlikely to work if you first have a good time, and then do not write and do not respond for a month.

6. Accept invitations, even if you don’t want to.

Those who are easy to make friends, any invitation is an opportunity to meet interesting people. So even if you don’t feel like going out, remember that a meeting can bring you something amazing. Try to get out of the house and meet interesting people.

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